More new songs from the Monkeys and a few other things

Well this album sounds like its gonna be a bit good........

and we have already heard this one...

should be a belter. A much heavier and darker sound than there first two albums but the wit and charm remains that some may argue was missing from there 3rd, Humbug.
Die hard fans of there first album will probably moan, "its to american......its to heavy.......why havent they done there first album again, just slightly different......whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.............whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy......"
But they will just have to get used to it.
Genuinely looking forward to this album, which couldnt be said about the other big hitters that have been released so far this year, such as the strokes, beady eye.....elbow............erm, the streets.....

So anyway, other than the new Arctic Monkeys stuff I have also been listening to (is it me, or has this blog turned into a bastardised version of Jessies Diet from the fast show?) a German band called "Blue Angel Lounge".

Championed by the likes of Anton Newcombe, they are making a name for themselves on the psych scene on both sides of the atlantic.
They are similar to American bands such as The Black Angels, very psychodelic with an ominious drone throughout there music. Its atmospheric stuff that i can only imagine would sound epic live.
Speaking of performing live, these lot (who to the best of my knowledge are still unsigned), had to litterely beg for donations to get them to America to play the Austin Psych Fest.
Follow this link where you can see whether they managed to raise enough cash to get them to the gig. Yet another great little story woven into the rock'n'roll fabric these bands continue to add to.

Its the type of music that belongs in a film dont you think? I will go back to my comparison with The Black Angels who I have always said create songs that sound like the soundtrack to the best war film that hasnt been made yet. Both bands have that dark, 60's psychedelic vibe that would work brilliantly - my opinion obviously.
But, that kind of brings me onto this other band I have listened to recently.
"This Will Destroy You" are a 4 piece from America (Texas to be exact) who make atmospheric instrumental soundscapes. And they are pretty good.
Here is the first song from there first EP that was released in 2006 (may aswell start from the top eh?). When I listen to them I find myself imagining what sort of film, scene or any random video footage these songs will fit into.
Whoever made this video, a good one at that, clearly thinks that this song would of fit nicely on the, "The Sky At Night with Patrick Moore"

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