Double figures!

Well, seeing as i am now in double figures for "blog followers" (its only taken the best part of 4 months.......whatever) I thought I would treat you all.
Please listen to these songs. Summer is on its way, its time to feel good.
Hope you all enjoyed the Museums, there will be more to come in the coming weeks I promise. It will all be mind blowing.

Anyway, some songs and some words.......

What can you say about Kaleidoscope other than they made brilliant brilliant music that never got recognition it deserved at the time. If this song doesnt make you tap ya feet your dead inside.

Its been quite some time since a song has grabbed me like this has done over the last few days. Only just come accross "The Beach Fossils". They have a brilliant hazy laid back vibe going on which is perfect for the summer, but there is an undercurrent of melencholy that runs throughout there album which cuts through there music like screwdriver through a melon.
There album sounds alot like this song, its all quite similar, they defo have there own sound, but it never grates. Basically, if you like this song, get the album.

Wire - they are still going strong and still sound fresh. I have all there albums on my hard drive but only have there first 2 (this is from there 2nd album - Chairs Missing) on my ipod. There is just to much quality music to get through at the moment! This is them sounding there most "poppy" but they can punk out with the best of them. Any fan of punk music, anyone who apreciates english guitar music, or anyone with a soul should look into these lot. Start with there first 2 albums and go from there.

The Beat Happening. These lot, along with The Brian Jonestown Massacre, are a band which made me realise that ANYONE can make music. you dont need to know what a Q sharp bar chord is, just do it.

Theres 4 for you all. If you enjoyed any of them, look up the band, they are all great - trust me. Plenty to sink your teeth into.
Homework for this week....find out what a Q sharp bar chord is.


  1. Just thought you'd like to know if you Google Q sharp barre chord this blog entry is the 9th link down! You're getting famous!

  2. Forgot to add, I'm digging the beach fossils!
