...In this country anyway. Where the fuck is the music scene in England?
Before I continue my point, this post wasn't supposed to be about music in England, I have spent the last few days trying to sort out my crappy lap top and start on what this blog was originally supposed to be about, but 2011 hasn't changed anything. I was hoping for something a bit like the millennium bug, but in reverse, and my laptop would suddenly start running the programmes I need; but like the millennium bug, this didn't happen.
So this is basically going to be a bit of a rant, I need to write something, and this is gonna be it.
Right then, basically the way things stand I honestly feel as a country we have hit a musical brick wall. I'm sure there is something happening down south in sunny London, there usually is, but not enough for my liking.
Since the 60's, a snobbish attitude has been taken on by us brits in regard to our music. We still believe that we produce better bands than any other country, but in particular America. We like to cling to this idea that because we have produced some of the biggest bands the planet has ever seen such as the Beatles, The Stones, Zeppelin etc, that we are the undisputed kings of rock'n'roll.
Well we aint.
We have been resting on our laurels for quite a long time now.
All the bands mentioned are from over 30 years ago.
Since then we have seen some great things happen such as the late 80's "madchester scene", punk rock was the soundtrack to angry 70's Britain and of course we had "brit pop" in the 90's that was a true throw back to the swinging 60's.
But what now?
Its an easy impression to keep, when it seems the only thing people want to listen to is shitty English bands that play by a particular set of rules.
Most new bands from this country have to follow these rules in order to gain any media/public attention. You either have to adopt the northern swagger of Oasis/Stone Roses (see The Courtiners, Pigeon Detectives) or take up a slightly more up to date pathway, which is to do what your record company says and sound like whoever is making money at the time.
At the start of this millennium we saw a huge influx in new British bands. There are probably about 5 (and thats being kind) that if you were being honest, you would say were any good. The likes of The Kaiser Chiefs, Razorlight and The Kooks have all fallen by the wayside, because they were never actually any good in the first place.
They just followed a particular set of rules that got them some airtime and they capitalized on a lazy, bored nation of music buyers.
One of the only bands from the last 10 years to come out with credibility is the Arctic Monkeys. they received a ton of media attention, got massive sales and then, as is so predictable with Britain, they recieved a backlash when they released Humbug, there 3rd album, recorded in the American Desert with an American producer/song writer/musician Josh Homme.
It didn't have any real "singles" on it, and it was a far murkier sounding album. It was darker. It was "rockier". It was great. It was shunned by us.
So what does a new band do these days? Do you stick to your guns, play the songs you want to play, stay true to what you want to achieve and risk the possibility of not signing a major deal only to disappear into obscurity, or if your lucky (and any good), cult status.
Or do you ditch your ideas, and follow the trend.
Ive noticed, as im sure you all have, that the 80's seems to be quite a big influence on allot of things right now, including the music. There is synth everywhere. Stick some of that over 3 chords and your laughing, you might get a 1 album deal and possibly a hit single.
And that, it seems, is what Britain has been doing the last 10 years.
Maybe Im being to kind here? Maybe we just don't have it in us right now to create something that comes close to a "music scene". Most British bands all sound the same these days. Maybe they all just have a very stunted taste in music. Maybe britpop wasnt such a good thing after all? Everyone soundsnlike they've only listened toa handful of bands, mainly The Roses, Oasis and possibly the Smiths and The Verve. So it should come as no surprise that the music scene is the way it is?
I would like to believe we are better than that.
We have produced some of the greatest bands ever, we have always had a great scene, we can do it again.
So this is a plea to anyone in a band, thinking about being in a band or knows someone in a band.
Fuck signing a record deal. Fuck trying to become famous. Fuck off your old CD's.
Record what you want, experiment, listen to some old American blues and steal it for all its worth (because thats what we do best - zeppelin, the Stones....ya get me?)
Before I leave it for another day......the fuckin Subways! I forgot about them, remember that shite?!
Anyway, before I leave it there, im going to make my point.
Last year I heard a band called The Detroit Social Club. I was told they were going to be very good, potential to be massive.
I was promised psychedelic, blues influenced rock'n'roll from the North East. Sounded very promising.
Now at the same time I was listening to alot of music coming out of America, mainly Texas and the West coast (California and san fransisco). These places actually do have bands producing seriously good music that is going un-noticed. This is no surprise really, America tends to miss out on what its producing and its up to us to make them realise there bands are brilliant (sad isnt it?).
Anyway, I was looking forward to comparing what I was listening to at the time and a new British band that had come recommended.
Ergh, it was really disheartening. A band with nearly everything from Oasis, Ian Brown, The Verve and The Stone Roses (even Kasabian), jammed into one album.
Now that sounds alright, I am a fan of all the bands I have just mentioned - but is this all anyone in this country listens to and takes influence from?!
Lets move on, expand our musical horizons and do something a bit better than what we are currently doing. Cos its getting boring.
God bless America.
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