It wasnt just the Beatles who pathed the way for popular music.
Here are a few tastes of what else was going down in the late 60's. Pioneers.
The Silver Apples
The birth of electronic music.... More than likely. This New York duo used 1940's audio oscilators to create there sound. Electronic beeps and drones dominate there music aswell as a driving rythem that must of influenced krautrock and experimental dance and electronic music.
13th Floor Elivators
Before Revolver, Sgt Pepper and The White album, these lot were blowing the minds of Austin Texas with there psychodelic garage rock. One of the first bands to incorporate reverb and "fuzz" into there guitar playing, they have influenced hundreds of bands but it was the sound of the electric jug which really makes them stand out. They recorded and performed most concerts while off there barnet on LSD. Rock - and- fuckin' - roll.
The Kaleidoscope
Not to be mistaken for the British band by the same name (from roughly the same time), this american lot can go from sounding like a honky tonk country band one minute, to an out and out blues rock band the next. There use of different string instruments such as the fiddle, banjo, guitars etc earnt them praise from the likes of Jimmy Page. One of the first bands to use a bow on a guitar, a skill Page made famous. He must of picked it up from these lot........or maybe even these (see 1.30min onwards)
Jefferson Airplane
Much like The elevators, Jefferson Airplane were one of the front runners in psychedelic music. But everyone knows that yeah?
I hope you hear something you like. If not, get fucked.
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