The second of the 2 albums I have championed in the last month or so is the 6th studio album by Atlantas Black Lips. After giving a track by track description of the Arctic Monkeys latest offering, I thought it was only right to do the same with The 'Lips.
Since giving my run down on Alex Turners lot, I have since listened back to it a few times and my opinion hasnt really changed on it. I guess 3 listens of an album is all you need to get a feel for it and offer an opinion. By all accounts this is the number of times most critics will get to hear an album before being asked to write 500 words about it. So that makes me a proper critic? Yeah?
This is the first time the band will of worked with a producer, in this case its Mark Ronson. Not Rick Rubin, Jack White or Josh Homme. No, its the super slick Mark Ronson of Amy Whinehouse fame (Back In Black was the album that lead them to him).
Early signs have been good with the promise of more fuzz and a cleaner sound which is to be expected when working with someone so polished.
So here we go, The Black Lips - Arabian Mountain
Family Tree
Things get underway with a this little number - the sound of Wreckless Eric featuring on a Quentine Tarantino film. At least thats what it sounds like to me. Excited by that? You should be - Its a rip roaring start to the album. The Lips are back.
Modern Art
The first track that we heard before the albums release Its been knocking about for a few weeks now. Xylophones and a theremin feature in the brilliantly memorable chorus. You turn around and you don't know where you've been/You look up at the glass dome and the room beings to spin/Let's go out and find the ocean 'cause I think we need a swim/Turn around, start it over, let's begin
Spideys curse
A song about spiderman by the sound of the lyrics. There is a hint of xylophone in the back ground underneath a beautful lead riff. Its a lazy, almost sigh of a song that highlights the softer side of the band. If they ever had one...
Mad Dog
Sounds restrained with a lazy sax offering a simple hook that the song is based around. Nice vocal harmonies that are cleaner than on other 'Lips albums. This is a clear indication of working with an actual producer.
Mr Driver
This one sounds like its barely holding on. Imagine being far to whacked out and barely being able to make sense of reality but somehow managing to saunter accross the dancefloor without falling over to offer some "abstract" dance moves that just about come off. Thats this song. Its so close to stopping in its tracks and falling to the floor in a drunken drugged out mess, but it marches forward like the devil posessed. Emily Mackay from NME wrote, I swear one of the lines is “my pecker’s long/Got me feeling strong/When I sing this song and I smoke this bong.” I really hope I’m right.
I think she is. Which is brilliant.
Bicentenial Man
A sense of fun creeps back in here with a toe tapping beat that moves the album along nicely. Another example of Ronsons influence is on show here with clean and definate vocals that are instantly singable. My only critisism here is the song isnt long enough. The Lips have never outstayed there welcome when it comes to track length but at 2.19mins I felt as though there was another minute of music here that was missed out on. However, the 2.19min we do get is a surftastic boogie thats will get anyone moving.
Go Out And Get It
The fun continues here, its nothing other than that - dumb fun. I again have to concur with Emily in that this is sounding like a great summer album.
Raw Meat
Half way through the album and the fun continues here. A chorus made up simply by a band member half whistling half screaming interrupted occasionaly by "oh babys". And before you know it, its over. 1.48 min of flower punk energy.
Bone Marrow
Wow, Mark Ronson is all over this song. It works fantastically, the simple clap that gives us our beat is joined by a throbbing bass and some lovely lead guitar. This could be a single and actually do well which is not something this band has ever been about! A theremin, which has popped up a few times already on the album rears it summery head again and the song is finished off by some "uh oh ohs" and then its gone. Awesome.
The Lie
Sounds almost like Stairway To Heaven until it kicks in and we have another toe tapper which they all seem to be in there own way. Unlike the previous 4-5 songs, this one is a little darker like the first few tracks but you cant help nodding your head stamping your foot along to these songs. And whats this, a guitar solo? A proper one, one that isnt just part of an on going chorus, this is actually a fully blown solo/wig out that sees out the final minute of the song thats not to disimilar to Bring It On Down by Oasis.
This song is so close to a West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band (yeah theyre a real band) song that ive had to go and dust it off so you can hear it.
Again, the song is quite restrained for the 'Lips. The dirt from there previous albums has gone and what we have now is a cleaner, more precise record than anything theyve done before. Dont see this as a bad thing, there instrument work and harmonies are probably more powerful for this reason and the songs are given a bit more space to move around in. Such as the ending here, instruments are stripped away and we are left just with the beat which leads us into the next song perfectly
Dumpster Dive
Exile On Main St Rolling Stones here. Honky tonk piano and some very Jagger esq singing propells this 2 min ditty forward. Like nearly all the songs here its gone in an instant with another little 15-20 second ending that was dusted with some nice productional touches siuch as the small stabs at piano keys that beautifully see out the song.
New Direction
They definately havent gone in a new direction! Here we have another prime example of the 60's garage rock influence that you swear you have heard before. FUCK ME this is a fun album.
Massive chorus for this one, lifts the song in a big way and could be somethin else live. I hate to use the pun, but they have knocked a hommer here...
God, I hate myself for saying that.
Dont Mess Up My Baby
"You smoked all my dope, chased a rainbow & then you sang a song....You drank all my beers, picked some flowers and things were going strong..."
This song is actually beautiful. the closest thing they come to to previous songs such as "I'll be with you". Amazing vocal harmonies going on during the chorus. One of the highlights of the album for sure.
You Keep On Running
Last song on the album and all the fun thats gone before is completely evaporatesd by some vintage 'Lips psych. A sprawling 4 minute trip to the depths of despair is unleashed on us like a nasty trip.
This was recorded using a real human skull (a mic was put inside the skull to create the spooky effect - seriously).
Its like being at a party thats passed you by to quickly and before you know it its the end of the night and the mother of all come downs kicks in while you notice the bird you like has fucked off with your best mate and as the lyric goes "...there is no where to hiiiiiiiide".
This is a seriously fun album full of memorable harmonies and choruses that stay with you long after the albums finished.
Its solid from start to end, so solid infact that its difficult to pick out stand out tracks. As soon as you think to yourself "that one, thats my fave" the next song quickly comes along and makes you rethink things!
I dont think The'Lips should worry about working with a producer anymore because this is a big big success.
On first listen the lads have given us something seriously good to brighten up our wet summer.
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